here it’s first English blog

I've always wanted to write my diary or my segment of thought in texts to express my feelings you know? But I'm sure that my English level is not that good but whatever it is, I'll give myself a try. Well to be honest I'm now in the train to say goodbye for my friend who is my best best friend and he is heading to Turkey for studying! 1year while! What on earth! So I gotta see his last face in Japan (he's not gonna die lol). But actually, this is kinda like strange feeling to have such a friend that I never ever had had.. anyway 

I was bored in the train and it's literally over 3 hours taking in train! So there it is😖


So let's dive into the todays topic, finally lol

 it's about what I'm kinda immersed which is language👀

 yeah I mean learning language.

tbh now I'm relating the company with using English to learn politics or international relations smth like that so it's sort of unavoidable thing to me but I'm tryna bevolved with certain things lol 

exam is extremely annoying but it's good to get how to use English, you know?


frankly speaking, to learning German type language for Japanese people is usually very hard😭 but once I got the way I feel like got the pass to open Pandora box to European context eventually!


so actually I'm learning Italian language at first😤

 this is not I expected but when noticed I was spontaneously started to learn italiano( jk🤫


 lol so safely I'm now struggling with Italian transformation abberbs, verbs..and so on,

 this is very tough Italian change everything depends on even gender!! 

but I like the way it's sounds and ofc the culture.

at first time my feeling went to Italy was obviously "maneskin"🫢

 I know it was kinda like trendy..


but my goal is not only this but also to learn other many languages in the world!


I wanna make it as like my hobby in the future!


look at the man! He is way sprised that I can speak his language!!


so I think I almost got the airport so

 I'm gonna go!

adios mates!